Siddhartha Bariker

is a software engineer,
researcher, and
novice film-maker.

I currently study and work at Northeastern University Multidisciplinary Graduate Engineering as a researcher and soon I will be working at Tesla as a software engineer.

I am a generalist and care deeply about optimisation and performance, I am also interested in distributed systems, how they work, their reliability and scalability.

A goal of mine is to develop solutions for people with disabilities, and build AI based wearable devices that are easy to use.

The older version of my personal site is still available at

Previously, I worked at Tesla as a Engineering Intern, Target,and Microleap Dynamics,. I’ve also published things in the past, like a An electronic smart jacket for Visually impaired and Machine health monitoring which combined have over 20 citations.

I will be graduating from Northeastern University, where I worked as reasearch assitant under Prof. Nik Brown, and studied Software Engineering, Information Systems. I was awarded outstanding graduate student and Lux. Veritas. Virtus. society, a prestigious honor that recognizes exceptional graduate students I am a fitness enthusiast, enjoy making (very?) short-films(1, 2).

Other interests: Running, math, reading, cinematography, and tinkering with electronics.

Candid Photograph of Siddhartha Bariker talking to someone in a conference.